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IVF Success Rate For 38-40 Years Old

Discover what the IVF success rate is for 38-40 years old. Gain useful insights such as the IVF miscarriage rate, IVF success with own eggs, donor eggs or embryos and for new patients.

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Looking for data on IVF success rates for patients 38-40 years old?

You are at the right place. We complied in-depth data from the CDC to help you evaluate fertility options for growing your family.

Start exploring IVF success rate if:

What is the success rate for patients 38-40 using their own eggs?

Based on cycles started in 2016 with the intent to retrieve eggs

% of cycles resulting in live births

What are the chances of new patients 38-40 years old having live births after 1 intended retrieval*?

If you have never done an ART** cycle your chance of success is:
*When a woman begins taking fertility drugs or having her ovaries monitored for follicle production with the intent to retrieve eggs
**ART; The main type of ART is in vitro fertilization (IVF). Other types of ART exist, but are rarely performed.
***This is the percentage of patients with no prior ART cycles that had a live birth after their first intended retrieval.

Success rates for patients using donor eggs or embryos 38-40 years old

A graph for percentage of transfers resulting in live births for 38-40 years old
*Success rates are not presented by age group because previous data show that an intended parent’s age does not substantially affect success when using donor eggs or donated embryos.

What are the types of donor embryos and eggs?

Fresh embryos, fresh eggs
Eggs were retrieved from a donor and fertilized (if applicable) during the current cycle.

Fresh embryos, frozen eggs
Eggs were retrieved from a donor during a previous cycle and frozen for future use. The donated eggs were frozen prior to transfer, but any resulting embryos were not.

Frozen embryos
This is ART cycles involving frozen embryos created from fresh or frozen donor eggs. In the case of fresh donor eggs, the eggs were retrieved from a donor during a previous cycle and fertilized, and then the resulting embryo was frozen for future use. In the case of frozen donor eggs, the eggs were retrieved from a donor during a previous cycle, frozen, thawed, and fertilized, and then the resulting embryos were frozen for future use.

Donated embryos
Embryos donated from another patient or couple after their own ART treatment. The embryos can be fresh or frozen.